Apnea and thoughts

Have you ever wondered what a free diver think about when he is holding is breath?

Imanol Corcostegui, journalist, has interviewed professional free divers about what they feel and what they think before and during their discipline, whether it is in constant weight, depth under the sea, or in static apnea.

What free divers describe can be summed up in two parts: the first is a state of reverie or semi-stunning method which gives a feeling of pleasure, while the second seems to be the descent to hell, characterized by the lack of oxygen. Morgan Bourch’is from the team of France and who can remain seven minutes immersed explain us this state of pleasure: “We must find the relaxation, a contemplation of ourselves. Some images can come to mind but you must pass through this. In these first few minutes, this is a perfect fusion: you are connected to the liquid element and not against. It is a deep well-being”


Morgan Bourc’his – French Freediver

Then, the second part is less pleasant and seems much longer. Each has its own technique to cope with it. Here are the main methods that professional free divers use:

  • The Sophrology
  • Don’t listen to your body
  • Make up a little story
  • Sing a song or recite a poem
  • Go crazy in all directions

However, for free diving in constant weight, it is not the same:

  • From 0 to 20 meters: think only of your movements
  • The end of the descent, senses excitement
  • Beginning of the ascent: pursuit of fun
  • End of the raising: the fight

Of course this is only a summary of what free divers can feel. That’s why I invite you to read the article of Imanol Corcostegui to see the different testimonies.

At SSS Phuket, we offer freediving trainings, AIDA and Apnea courses!

Hereabouts: http://rue89.nouvelobs.com/rue89-sport/2012/11/04/quoi-pense-lapneiste-pendant-les-longues-minutes-ou-il-est-sous-leau-236614

What about you, if you were a free diver, what would you think about?

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